The source of IOT is intelligence source, network source and the interconnection of things. Wisdom is the source of the microprocessor, embedded object system trillion microprocessor on general purpose processor desktop and embedded processor, the Internet of things into the wisdom of the earth; the Internet and local area network connection to source, the birth of the infinite, unlimited access,interaction between virtual world and real world network; interconnection of things is the embedded system to complex system, embedded system is complex and students,there are four normalized joint interface.
1. Intelligent
2. Interconnection
(1) perceived interface normalization
(2) control interface normalization
(3) the man machine interface
(4) the information transmission channel normalization
3. Network
The IOT applications infinite, application system of Internet of things is connected to the Internet and local complex system. Wide area network and embedded system network source of Internet of things Internet local area network.
(1) the Internet wide area network
(2) embedded system area network
(3) local area network and wide area network interconnection